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GM counter with mica window for registration of beta-radiation.

Working power begins from 1650 Volt
Plateau length: at least 150 Volt
Plateau slope: not more than 0.03%
Self noise: not more than 25 pulses/min
Density of window mica: 3 mg/cm2

Length of counter: no more than 90 mm
Diameter of counter: no more than 38 mm

Working life: 50 million pulses

Load Resistance to anode: 7...10 MOhm
Allowable stray input capacitance: not more than 10 pF
Working ambient temperature: -25 ... +40 OC
Allowable radiation: not more than 10000 pulses/min

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  СИ-3Б    МСТ-17  Счетчик Гейгера для регистрации бета излучения.
